The Mission
The mission of St. John's Lutheran Schools is to be a premier educational center where Christian faith is nurtured, high educational standards are valued and meaningful relationships are fostered.

Statement of Faith
1. Man was created perfect and holy, with a free will, by a loving God. (Genesis 1:27-31 and Genesis 2:16-17)
2. Sin entered the world through Adam and Eve's disobedience and spread to all their offspring through the inheritance of a sinful nature. (Romans 5:12)
3. Because of His boundless love for us, God rescued us through the redemptive act of His Son, Jesus the Christ, from punishment we and all people deserve by virtue of our sinfulness.(Romans 5:8)
4. It is by the Spirit-created faith in Jesus Christ as our own personal Savior that we receive forgiveness of sins as a free gift from God. (Romans 8:8-9)
5. As Spirit-filled Christians, we seek the total leadership of Jesus in every part of our lives. This is "Growing in Grace" (2 Peter 3:18) and we strive for such growth to happen in our school.
2. Sin entered the world through Adam and Eve's disobedience and spread to all their offspring through the inheritance of a sinful nature. (Romans 5:12)
3. Because of His boundless love for us, God rescued us through the redemptive act of His Son, Jesus the Christ, from punishment we and all people deserve by virtue of our sinfulness.(Romans 5:8)
4. It is by the Spirit-created faith in Jesus Christ as our own personal Savior that we receive forgiveness of sins as a free gift from God. (Romans 8:8-9)
5. As Spirit-filled Christians, we seek the total leadership of Jesus in every part of our lives. This is "Growing in Grace" (2 Peter 3:18) and we strive for such growth to happen in our school.
Our Goals:
Our school exists to provide opportunities for children and families to discover and strengthen their relationship with Jesus as their Lord, Savior, Teacher and Friend, and then to reach out to others with the same Good News.
We are proud to offer high quality educational programs that educate children to become literate and productive Christian citizens, while they discover and develop their own God-given talents and grow in their understanding of God's world.
We provide opportunities for children to interact with one another as well as others in the Bakersfield community and the world, to share God's Good News through Christ-like acceptance of others.
We pledge to educate the whole child. Physical activities for play and recreation as well as encouragement for positive physical fitness in the future will be a part of each child's experience at St. John's.
This is a place for Christian fellowship and forgiveness centered in the Word of God. Individual student strengths and abilities will be recognized and a community of support will be developed to encourage one another as each student grows in discipleship.